Updated fire safety regulations

Due to new insurance terms from Kammarkollegiet* regarding the handling and storage of lithium-ion batteries, the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology have decided to update their fire safety regulations with the following additions, which take effect December 1, 2023:

  1. Within the HT faculties' premises (SOL buildings and LUX), staff and students may only charge electrical equipment provided by Lund University. The exception is private mobile phones, private tablets, and private laptops.
  2. Electric scooters are not allowed to be stored or charged in SOL buildings or at LUX.

*The university's insurance company.

Fire safety regulations for the HT faculties (decision, revised 2023-11-22 – in Swedish)



Fire safety officer responsible for shared spaces at LUX/SOL
Charlotte Tornbjer
046-222 64 74, 0706-814169

Work Environment Coordinator
Isabella Grujoska
046-222 72 35


Page Manager: malin.sjobergkansliht.luse | 2023-12-01