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C. J. L. Almqvists slottskrönika och det indirekta skrivsättet

C. J. L. Almqvists slottskrönika och det indirekta skrivsättet

Eivor Persson | C. J. L. Almqvists slottskrönika och det indirekta skrivsättet | 2003

Carl Jonas Love Almqvists slottskrönika och det indirekta skrivsättet är ämnet för denna studie. Slottskrönikan omfattar romanerna Jaktslottet (1833), Hinden (1833) och Baron Julius K*. Ur Fröken Eleonoras reseminnen (1835), som alla ingår i Almqvists stora samlingsverk Törnrosens ...

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Canada and the Nordic Countries: proceedings from the Second International Conference of the Nordic Association for Canadian Studies, University of Lund, 1987

Jørn Carlsen, Bengt Streijffert (red.) | Canada and the Nordic Countries: proceedings from the Second International Conference of the Nordic Association for Canadian Studies, University of Lund, 1987 | 1988

Care for Sound. Sound Environment, Healing & Health Care

Care for Sound. Sound Environment, Healing & Health Care

Frans Mossberg (red.) | Care for Sound. Sound Environment, Healing & Health Care | 2014

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Carl Carlsson Gyllenhielms litterära verksamhet

Sixten Belfrage | Carl Carlsson Gyllenhielms litterära verksamhet | 1955

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Carl Fehrmans bibliografi

Carl Fehrmans bibliografi

Per Rydén (red.) | Carl Fehrmans bibliografi. 1938-2005 | 2006

Carl Fehrman har publicerat böcker, uppsatser, recensioner och åtskilligt annat under varje år sedan 1938. Han är född i, har präglats av och själv präglat Lund. Skolad under Olle Holmberg kom han att tillsammans med Staffan Björck sätta märken i den litteraturhistoriska forskningen i ...

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Carl Fredrik Nordenskiölds förlorade illusioner

Carl Fredrik Nordenskiölds förlorade illusioner

Jakob Christensson | Carl Fredrik Nordenskiölds förlorade illusioner | 1994

Sjuttonhundratalet, Upplysningens århundrade. Ett århundrade som såg bara alltför många Unga män fåfängt söka lyckan på litteraturens fält i Voltaires och Kellgrens kölvatten. Vad innebar Upplysningen för en sådan skrivande människa fjärran från filosofernas salonger i Paris? Carl ...

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Carl-Johans-tidens prosa

Anne Marie Wieselgren | Carl-Johans-tidens prosa. Språkliga studier i texter från den moderna prosaberättelsens framväxttid | 1971

Case Endings in Spoken Standard Arabic

Case Endings in Spoken Standard Arabic

Andreas Hallberg | Case Endings in Spoken Standard Arabic | 2016

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Case in Icelandic

Case in Icelandic

Johanna Barddal | Case in Icelandic. A Synchronic, Diachronic and Comparative Approach | 2001

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Castella Maris Baltici 2

Castella Maris Baltici 2

Magnus Josephson, Mats Mogren (red.) | Castella Maris Baltici 2 | 1996

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Catholicae assertiones / Diego Valadés

Catholicae assertiones / Diego Valadés

Bengt Löfstedt, Scott Talkovic (red.) | Catholicae assertiones / Diego Valadés | 1998

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Celebritetsskapande från Strindberg till Asllani

Celebritetsskapande från Strindberg till Asllani

Torbjörn Forslid, Patrik Lundell, Anders Ohlsson, Tobias Olsson (red.) | Celebritetsskapande från Strindberg till Asllani | 2017

”Damerna gå i Jenny Lind-lockar, herrarne röka Jenny Lind-sigarrer.” På 1840-talet anklagades medieföretag och entreprenörer för att ligga bakom hysterin kring den svenska sångerskan. Och publiken uppmanades att sansa sig. Präglar kändisarna våra liv och institutioner mer idag än ...

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Cells in Culture, Cells in Suspense

Cells in Culture, Cells in Suspense

Andréa Wiszmeg | Cells in Culture, Cells in Suspense. Practices of Cultural Production in Foetal Cell Research | 2019

Parkinson’s disease is a neurodegenerative affliction to which researchers have long striven to find a cure. The human embryo is a source of vital cells used in regenerative medicine, as well as a powerful symbol of life. Using foetal cells from aborted embryos for transplantation to ...

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Central Places in the Migration and Merovingian Periods

Lars Larsson, Birgitta Hårdh (red.) | Central Places in the Migration and Merovingian Periods. Papers from the 52nd Sachsensymposium, Lund, August 2001 | 2002

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Centrala platser, centrala frågor

Centrala platser, centrala frågor

Lars Larsson, Birgitta Hårdh (red.) | Centrala platser, centrala frågor. Samhällsstrukturen under järnåldern. En vänbok till Berta Stjernquist | 1998

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Centrality - regionality

Centrality - regionality

Lars Larsson, Birgitta Hårdh (red.) | Centrality - regionality. The social structure of southern Sweden during the Iron Age | 2003

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Change and Identity

Change and Identity

Erik Sidenvall | Change and Identity. Protestant English Interpretations of John Henry Newman's Secession, 1845–1864 | Lunds universitets kyrkohistoriska arkiv | 2002

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Changing Borders

Changing Borders

Jens Arvidson, Mikael Askander, Jørgen Bruhn, Heidrun Führer (red.) | Changing Borders. Contemporary Positions in Intermediality | 2007

Contemporary art and literature are marked by an increased intermedial interest. Perhaps as a result of this there is a growing amount of academic research being done on intermedial grounds, inside and outside the “proper” interart institutions. It could be argued that contemporary ...

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Changing Landscapes and Persistent Places

Changing Landscapes and Persistent Places

Jenny Nord | Changing Landscapes and Persistent Places. An Exploration of the Bjäre Peninsula | 2009

Changing landscapes and persistent places är en studie om kulturlandskapet på Bjärehalvön i nordvästra Skåne. De många bronsålderslämningarna som tydligt präglar landskapsbilden i området utgör en utgångspunkt i arbetets syfte att öka förståelsen för det historiska djupet i dagens ...

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Changing the Colours of the World. Modernism and Modernity in Chinese Drama and Film, 1919-1937

Changing the Colours of the World. Modernism and Modernity in Chinese Drama and Film, 1919-1937

Rebecka Eriksson | Changing the Colours of the World. Modernism and Modernity in Chinese Drama and Film, 1919-1937 | Övriga – språk och litteratur | 2014

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Checkpoint 2020

Checkpoint 2020

Markus Idvall, Johan Wessman, Anna Palmehag (red.) | Checkpoint 2020. Människor, gränser och visioner i Öresundsbrons tid | Makadam | 2020

Öresundsbron fyller 20 år! Vad har hänt under dessa år? Och vart är vi på väg? Danska och svenska forskare, analytiker och journalister ger i denna antologi en aktuell bild av brons betydelse och utvecklingen i regionen. Gräns- och id-kontroller, pendling och ett förändrat ...

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Child & Noise

Child & Noise

Frans Mossberg (red.) | Child & Noise. How does the child percieve the sound environment? | 2017

An interdisciplinary symposium was held at Lund University in Sweden in march 2017 arranged by the Sound Environment Center aimed at shedding light on how sound environment affects children, spanning all the way from the prenatal stage to the young person enjoying loud music or ...

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Child language in Diaspora

Child language in Diaspora

Lubomir Durovic (red.) | Child language in Diaspora. Serbo-Croatian in West European countries. Papers from a symposium | 1987

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Children's Gestures from 18 to 30 Months

Children's Gestures from 18 to 30 Months

Mats Andrén | Children's Gestures from 18 to 30 Months | 2010

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Children’s Brainwaves in Semantic Processing, Auditory Discrimination and Selective Attention

Children’s Brainwaves in Semantic Processing, Auditory Discrimination and Selective Attention

Petter Kallioinen | Children’s Brainwaves in Semantic Processing, Auditory Discrimination and Selective Attention. – in Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing and Typically Hearing Populations | 2023

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Choice Blindness: The Incongruence of Intention, Action and Introspection

Petter Johansson | Choice Blindness: The Incongruence of Intention, Action and Introspection | 2006

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Christopher Cooper’s English teacher

Bertil Sundby (red.) | Christopher Cooper’s English teacher. (1687) | 1953

Church and people in Britain and Scandinavia

Church and people in Britain and Scandinavia

Ingmar Brohed (red.) | Church and people in Britain and Scandinavia | 1996

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Ciste a cordoni (Rippenzisten)

Ciste a cordoni (Rippenzisten)

Berta Stjernquist | Ciste a cordoni (Rippenzisten). Produktion, Funktion, Diffusion. 2 vol | 1967

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Citizen Schein

Citizen Schein

Lars Ilshammar, Pelle Snickars, Per Vesterlund (red.) | Citizen Schein | 2010

Vinnare av Svenska Designpriset 2010. En bok om kulturpersonligheten och makthavaren Harry Schein. Två dvd:er med unikt material medföljer. Harry Schein var en inflytelserik person i det svenska medielandskapet under femtio-, sextio- och sjuttiotalet, både som filmkritiker och som ...

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Civilreligion med ett mänskligt ansikte

Paula Håkansson | Civilreligion med ett mänskligt ansikte. President Václav Havels tankar om individ, religion och samhälle | 2002

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Cod. Pal. Vind. 2682

Nils Törnqvist | Cod. Pal. Vind. 2682. 1, Eine frühmittelhochdeutsche Interlinearversion der Psalmen aus dem ehemaligen Benediktinerstifte Millstatt in Kärnten | 1934

Cod. Pal. Vind. 2682

Nils Törnqvist | Cod. Pal. Vind. 2682. 2, Hymnen und Perikopen | 1937

Cod. Pal. Vind. 2682. 3, Glossar

Nils Törnqvist | Cod. Pal. Vind. 2682. 3, Glossar. Mit einem Register der wichtigsten lateinisch-mittelhochdeutschen Übersetzungen | 1953

Cognitive and neural mechanisms of inflectional morphology processing

Cognitive and neural mechanisms of inflectional morphology processing

Andrea Schremm | Cognitive and neural mechanisms of inflectional morphology processing. Studies of native speakers and second language learners of Swedish | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2018

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Coherence and Reliability: Studies in Bayesian Epistemology

Coherence and Reliability: Studies in Bayesian Epistemology

Stefan Schubert | Coherence and Reliability: Studies in Bayesian Epistemology | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2011

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Collecting curiosities

Collecting curiosities

Magdalena Naum, Gitte Ingvardson (red.) | Collecting curiosities. Eighteenth-century Museum Stobaeanum and the development of ethnographic collections in the nineteenth century | Övriga – historia och arkeologi | 2020

In 1735, professor Kilian Stobæus donated his collections to Lund University laying the foundation for the university’s first museum. The ‘Museum Stobæanum’ contained over 3000 natural history, historical and ethnographic objects typical of the cabinets of curiosity. This richly ...

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Colonial Powers and Ethiopian Frontiers 1880-1884

Colonial Powers and Ethiopian Frontiers 1880-1884

Sven Rubenson, Amsalu Aklilu, Shiferaw Bekele, Samuel Rubenson (red.) | Colonial Powers and Ethiopian Frontiers 1880-1884 | 2021

Colonial powers and Ethiopian frontiers 1880-1884 is the fourth volume of Acta Aethiopica, a series that presents original Ethiopian documents of nineteenth-century Ethiopian history with English translations and scholarly notes. The documents have been collected from dozens of ...

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Colonizing Fever

Colonizing Fever

Åsa Bharathi Larsson | Colonizing Fever. Race and Media Cultures in Late Nineteenth-Century Sweden | 2016

In the late nineteenth century, Swedish media cultures showed a remarkably high amount of representations of the colonial world. Wild West acts promised authentic American Indian performances and a great narrative of the West. The ethnological exhibitions displayed a presumed everyday ...

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Color constancy in visual scene perception

Christian Balkenius, Anders J Johansson, Anna Balkenius | Color constancy in visual scene perception | 2003

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Compilation and Translation

Compilation and Translation

Arsenii Vetushko-Kalevich | Compilation and Translation. Johannes Widekindi and the Origins of his Work on a Swedish-Russian War | 2019

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Complementation in Georgian

Complementation in Georgian

Karina Vamling | Complementation in Georgian | 1989

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Computerized grammars for analysis and machine translation

Computerized grammars for analysis and machine translation

Bengt Sigurd (red.) | Computerized grammars for analysis and machine translation | 1994

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Concord and conflict

Jianping Wang | Concord and conflict. The Hui communities of Yunnan society in a historical perspective | 1996

Concreteness, Specificity and Emotional Content in Swedish Nouns

Concreteness, Specificity and Emotional Content in Swedish Nouns

Frida Blomberg | Concreteness, Specificity and Emotional Content in Swedish Nouns. Neurocognitive Studies of Word Meaning | Övriga – språk och litteratur | 2016

The present thesis investigated Swedish nouns differing in concreteness, specificity and emotional content using linguistic, psycholinguistic and neurolinguistic methods. The focus of Paper I was a semantic analysis of discourse produced by a person with a lesion in visual (left ...

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Confession and cooperation

Hugo Söderström | Confession and cooperation. The policy of the Augustana Synod in confessional matters and the synod's relations with other churches up to the beginning of the twentieth century | 1973

Conflict in Colours

Conflict in Colours

Fredrika Larsson | Conflict in Colours. A comparative study of republican and loyalist murals in Belfast | Övriga – historia och arkeologi | 2021

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Consistorium regni och frågan om kyrklig överstyrelse

Sven Lindegård | Consistorium regni och frågan om kyrklig överstyrelse. En studie i den svenska kyrkoförfattningens teori och praxis 1571-1686 | 1957

Contacts across the Baltic Sea during the Late Iron Age

B Hårdh, B Wyszomirska Werbart (red.) | Contacts across the Baltic Sea during the Late Iron Age | 1992

Continuity for Centuries

Continuity for Centuries

Lars Larsson (red.) | Continuity for Centuries. A Ceremonial Building and its Context at Uppåkra, Southern Sweden | 2004

In 2001 an intensive excavation began within the central part of the large site at Uppakra, southernmost Sweden. This was not the first excavation of the site but the first in which the topsoil was removed within large trenches in order to record the relations between different types ...

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Contours of Cognition

Contours of Cognition

Trond A. Tjøstheim | Contours of Cognition | 2022

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Controlling Destiny

Controlling Destiny

Ingrid Dunér | Controlling Destiny. Julian Huxley's Post-Darwinian Evolutionism and the History of Transhumanism | 2024

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Coram deo

Hallvard Hagelia | Coram deo. Spirituality in the Book of Isaiah, with particular attention to faith in Yahweh | 2001

Correspondence and treaties, 1800-1854

Correspondence and treaties, 1800-1854

Sven Rubenson (red.) | Correspondence and treaties, 1800-1854 | Acta Aethiopica 1 | 1987

Volume one with 190 documents was published in 1987 with the title Correspondence and Treaties 1800-1854. The rather limited number of letters by Ethiopian rulers, mainly written to Egyptian officials and representatives of European powers, are supplemented with a large number of more ...

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Criaturas ficticias y su mundo, en « Rayuela » de Cortázar

Brita Brodin | Criaturas ficticias y su mundo, en « Rayuela » de Cortázar | 1975

Critical studies in the Cynewulf group

Claes Schaar | Critical studies in the Cynewulf group | 1949

Critique of Exaggeration

Critique of Exaggeration

Ervik Cejvan | Critique of Exaggeration. Thinking Beyond | Övriga – filosofi och religion | 2020

Exaggeration is thinking. Thinking beyond takes us nowhere. There, beyond, however, is the point of dissolution. Nowhere to go. Still, I am here. From the nothingness of the void, we return to the emptiness of possibility – the potentiality of freedom – to reconsider that I am here. ...

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Cultivating the Sacred

Cultivating the Sacred

Åsa Trulsson | Cultivating the Sacred. Ritual Creativity and Practice among Women in Contemporary Europe | 2010

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Cultural and socio-political development in south Etruria.

Cultural and socio-political development in south Etruria.

Hampus Olsson | Cultural and socio-political development in south Etruria. The Biedano region in the 5th to 1st centuries BC | Övriga – historia och arkeologi | 2021

By the 1st century AD, the Etruscan culture had been completely absorbed by Rome. Etruscans were now fully integrated and to be found at every level of Roman society, even at the very top. Etruria itself was naturally also affected. Roads were constructed connecting the remote areas ...

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Cultures of Denial

Cultures of Denial

Maria Karlsson | Cultures of Denial. Comparing Holocaust and Armenian Genocide Denial | Övriga – historia och arkeologi | 2015

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Cur cantatur?

Anders Ekenberg | Cur cantatur? Die Funktionen des liturgischen Gesanges nach den Autoren der Karolingerzeit | 1987

Sidansvarig: louice.cardell_heppkansliht.luse | 2022-06-15