
Kurskod: SASH90
Högskolepoäng: 7,5

Undervisning – vårterminen 2021

Coronapandemin påverkar fortsatt våra utbildningar och större delen av undervisningen måste ske helt digitalt tills vidare. Var uppmärksam på den information som förmedlas i schemat och/eller i Canvas – informationen justeras löpande baserat på aktuella beslut och rekommendationer.

Kurstillfälle: vårterminen 2021
Utbildningsform: enbart online
Studiesätt: halvfart , distanskurs
Kursperiod: 2021-03-24 – 2021-06-05
Kursspråk: engelska
Anmälningskod: LU-75961
Behörighet: Grundläggande behörighet

Introduktionsmöte: 2021-03-26 kl. 10.15 – 12.15

Lärare: Katarina Bernhardsson , Tommy Bruhn , Fredrik Ekengren


MEMENTO MORI! Remember that you will die.  This is a course for you who want to discuss, reflect and learn more about perspectives of and practices around dying, death and mourning in contemporary society.

Death is the single most democratic thing in existence. Sooner or later, everyone dies. Still, death is one of the greatest mysteries known to humanity. This course introduces the field of death studies, covering rhetorical, social and cultural aspects of death and dying. Within the course you will learn about how death is understood in western contemporary society by looking at narratives, practices and institutions of dying, death and mourning.

The course content.

The course focuses on discussions of different types of rhetorical and cultural practices, institutions and rituals of death and dying in contemporary society. We discuss contexts of medial as well as cultural and social conditions for the practices, institutions and rituals of death

Within the course you will learn key theoretical perspectives on death in late modernity, historical developments in the cultural views, practices and institutions of death. You’ll also be working different ethical issues of institutions and representations of death and dying

In workshops, seminars and lectures you analyse and discuss literary and media representations of death and dying. We also work with media representations and social practices while taking into account relevant scientific, cultural and social aspects of death.


Some topics that will be covered during the course

• Media representations of death, risk and notable deaths

• The end of life and the social death

• the hospice movement

• Debates on palliative care and euthanasia

• The rhetoric of the good death

• Personal narratives of disease and dying

• Rituals of burial and remembrance

• The gentle art of Swedish death cleaning

• The breakdown of protocols of death during the Covid19 pandemic


After the course

You will be well versed in how to think about death as a cultural and social practice. Whether you are working in a death profession, have an academic interest in death as a cultural phenomenon or just want to learn more of different perspectives regarding end of life, you’ll be suited with theories and reflections on how to approach death.


Kursen ges inte som fristående kurs nästa termin. Den kan vara öppen för anmälan inom program eller för utbytesstudenter. Kontakta din studievägledare för mer information.

Information om anmälan

Du anmäler dig till våra kurser och program på antagning.se. Där kan du sedan följa din anmälan och kontrollera att dina meriter registrerats. Det är även där du loggar in för att svara på ditt antagningsbesked.

Ansökningsperioden är mars–april för höstterminen och september–oktober för vårterminen.

Sen anmälan

Alla utbildningar stänger för anmälan, efter att sista anmälningsdatum har passerat.

Kurser och program som har platser kvar, öppnar för sen anmälan efter första urvalet. Dessa utbildningar är märkta "Öppen för sen anmälan" på antagning.se.

International student?

Make your application in the First Admission Round at universityadmissions.se.

Application period October–January for autumn semester and June–August for spring semester.

First or Second Admission Round?

All international students are encouraged to apply to the First admission round. This round takes place many months before the start of a semester and gives students the time they need to pay their tuition fees, apply for and receive their residence permit (if required), find housing, etc.

The Second admission round is an alternative for students from EU/EEA countries as they do not need a residence permit. Non-EU/EEA students will most likely not have enough time to obtain their permit before the start of the semester. However, even EU/EEA students are advised to apply during the First admission round, as some programmes can be applied for only in the January round. Also, this provides applicants with an admission decision much earlier, which is helpful in making decisions about their studies.

Anmälnings- och studieavgifter för medborgare utanför EU/EES

Avgifterna gäller alltså inte dig som är medborgare i Sverige, något annat EU- eller ESS-land eller Schweiz. Läs mer om anmälnings- och studieavgifter.

Sidansvarig: malin.sjobergkansliht.luse | 2020-06-16