International opportunities at home

Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology

There are many ways for staff to gain international experience and strengthen their own intercultural competence. The power of internationalisation at home is that it offers internationalisation for everyone.

There are many opportunities to strengthen your intercultural competence at home. The important thing is to talk to your immediate manager to see if it can be done during working hours and included in your professional development plan.

Read more about and take inspiration from the School of Journalism's collaboration with the City of Malmö.

Welcome an international employee to the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology

For the first time, the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology and Lund University are encouraging employees to mentor incoming international staff. During the 2023–2024 academic year, an initiative is underway to investigate whether there is interest among the staff to welcome new international employees and doctoral students to Lund University and the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology. The hope is to be able to match new and existing staff. Feel free to sign up and give it a try!

As little as a couple hours of your time would mean a lot to a guest or new employee – and be fun and rewarding for you.

How do foreign guests experience their time at LU? Read a number of portraits of incoming international staff, doctoral students and master students.

  • Strengthen your English by taking a course for employees offered in the Kompetensportalen training portal (in Swedish).
  • Job shadow a colleague who works in a unit with a lot of international students or staff, or who works with internationalisation. Do it in Lund or go to Campus Helsingborg – or contact colleagues in Malmö or Ljungbyhed. The universities of Malmö and Copenhagen are not far away and of course offer plenty of opportunities. Take inspiration from the tips on the LU Staff Pages.
  • Job shadow a colleague abroad through a virtual exchange – from your own workspace. Struggling to find a contact? Get tips and help on the websites for international opportunities abroad.
  • Do what is known as a Blended Mobility; first you job shadow a foreign colleague virtually, and then you visit them by applying for Erasmus+ staff training (job shadowing) funding.
  • Keep an eye on the courses offered in the LU Staff Pages for professional and career development – maybe there is something with an intercultural focus?
  • Listen to an interesting lecture or seminar on an intercultural theme. There is a lot going on at Lund University every month – take advantage of this!
  • Learn Swedish! Each department is supposed to pay for international employees' courses in Swedish. This also applies for doctoral students.
  • Take a course in Danish. The Centre for Oresund Region Studies offers intensive courses for employees regularly.
  • As a member of TA staff, you can take inspiration from the EU-funded SUCTI project (“Systemic University Change Towards Internationalisation”).
  • Keep in mind that strengthening your intercultural competence can open up new career paths. LU is in the process of reviewing the professional and career development of TA staff. Keep an eye on what this project could mean for you.

For teaching staff

Start a virtual collaboration or set up a digital learning environment with a colleague abroad. Funding is available, especially if the colleague is working at one of the universities in the EUGLOH network. Read more about the EUGLOH network's Seed Money Programme. You can apply no later than 1st February 2024 for Lund University seed money for course and programme development within EUGLOH.

Within the framework of the newly launched “EUGLOH guest lecturer programme for teaching mobility”, you can invite a colleague from one of the partner universities within the EUGLOH alliance and teach with them on an ongoing course.

If possible, make use of Lund University's cultural and museum activities (LUKOM) in the teaching and link to global phenomena, findings and events.

Develop your ability to manage a heterogeneous lecture hall.

Lund University Director Susanne Kristensson is photographed outdoors. She has blond hair styled up in a bun and dark glasses. She is smiling and looking at the camera. She is wearing a short-sleeved white blouse with a red paisley pattern.

“Receiving colleagues from other countries is an important part of the University's internationalisation. Take the opportunity to mentor (during working hours) one of the many international staff and guests the university has and gain intercultural competence.”

Susanne Kristensson – University Director of Lund University

Johannes Persson, Dean of the HT Faculties, is photographed against a grey background. He has dark curly hair, a short beard and a moustache. His hair is in a ponytail. He is wearing glasses, and is dressed in a white button-down shirt and a brown sweater under a dark grey blazer.

“The Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology are currently recruiting an unusually large number of new teachers, researchers and doctoral students. Many of them come from universities outside of Sweden. Inter­nationalisation at home is an important factor, not only in helping them to settle, develop and thrive in our environment, but also in strengthening our intercultural competence."

Johannes Persson – Dean of the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology

Are you interested in welcoming a new international staff member?

Contact the HT International Office!

Yes, I can act as a host for an international colleague who wants to job shadow!

Sign up by contacting the HT International Office!

Read more about some of the collaborative projects run by the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology

Page Manager: malin.sjobergkansliht.luse | 2024-06-03