Support for directors

As a director, what do you do if you feel you have been subjected to discrimination, harassment and/or victimisation? What are you obliged to do if you are made aware of someone feeling they have been subjected to discrimination, harassment or victimisation?

As a director, you have a responsibility delegated from the vice-chancellor and, in accordance with the work environment and discrimination acts, you are to work on preventing and eli- minating discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and victimisation from taking place    in your workplace.

Inform your staff that they have a responsibility to report if someone turns to them and tells them that they feel they have been subjected to harassment or victimisation. Also inform them about who they can turn to.

  1. Start an investigation. Take the person’s experience seriously. Investi- gate what has happened, and ensure you gather enough information and knowledge about the situation. The investigation is to take place discreetly and promptly. The incident should also be analysed and this analysis is to be carried out by someone impartial in the matter.
  2. Take measures. If harassment and/or victimisation is proven, put a stop to it by explaining how to correct the behaviour and also put preventative measures in place.
  3. Follow up. Check if the measures have been sufficient and that they have had the desired effect. Draw conclusions for the future on preventive work.

Continuous documentation of the investigation and measures is an important basis for following upon the impact of the measures. There is university-wide support material with more information on processing and investigation. See more on page 11 under the heading Where can I find more information?
Illustration: Olivia Barron

Support person/body for you as an director

HR manager
Lefal Division
Union organistaions
Occupational Health Service
Equality Ombudsman (DO)
Page Manager: malin.sjobergkansliht.luse | 2021-07-01