Within the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology
Heads of Department network
The heads of department, the Dean and vice-deans, and student representatives meet once per month during each semester, for lunch and discussions. These meetings take place on the Tuesday of the same week in which the Working Committee meets, so that the matters under consideration can also be discussed by the heads of department. The Faculty Dean hosts the meetings, which are administered by the head of the Faculty Office.
Directors of Studies network
The Faculties' directors of studies meet two or three times during each semester. One of the directors is responsible for arranging the meetings. This network also collaborates with the Faculty Programme Director, who has the task, amongst other things, of planning and administering courses in teaching and learning in higher education within the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology.
Study Advisors network
The study advisors meet two or three times per semester, under the leadership of the Faculty Study Advisor. Their task is to follow up the continuing professional development of the study advisors, by order of the Faculty Board.
Communication network
Those responsible for web sites and information at the faculties' departments and units, as well as the web developers at the IT Unit, meet the information officer at the Faculty Office about once per month to discuss and co-ordinate work concerning web sites and other information. Those involved in this network collaborate closely with senior officers within the faculties and their departments to ensure that the dissemination of information is timely and relevant. This network also maintains contact with the University Corporate Communications office. Routines are being established for the systematisation of information, and this network is playing an important role in this.
Secretaries network
The secretaries employed by the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology arrange their own meetings about twice each term to exchange experience and ideas. The network receives practical support from the Faculty Office.
Economic administration network
This network consists of those responsible for book-keeping at each department, and meets about twice per term; the meetings being arranged by the financial director at the Faculty Office. The aim of this network is to develop and co-ordinate financial management within the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology and to improve efficiency. This network also works in collaboration with the central University Finance office.