Cheating and plagiarism

Everyone knows you are not allowed to cheat. However, it is sometimes difficult, especially for new students, to know what is required. Make sure that you find out through your programme what rules apply, for example with regard to referencing and citation in essays and exams.

  • If you quote from books, other students’ texts, Internet texts, or similar, you MUST always clearly name the source. It is NEVER permitted to copy the texts of others directly and present them as one’s own!
  • In written examinations, home assignments and similar, always follow the instructions given as to aids allowed (often none at all!) and other information you are given by the invigilator and the teacher. 

In accordance with Swedish law, measures can be taken against students who are found guilty of cheating and/or plagiarism. This means that the University has the right to bar individual students from all studies at Lund University for a shorter or longer period if it can be shown that the student has broken the following rules. Read more at 

Writing & Referencing

Advice, tips and useful links and resources from the HT Libraries
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