Staff Training

Professional development for staff at the Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology

Higher education teaching and learning

For academic positions, courses on teaching and learning are usually mandatory. At Lund university, at least five weeks of course work is required in order to be employed. Doctoral students are required to do at least two weeks of course work (3 credits).

Read more about courses in higher education teaching and learning

International opportunities for employees

Lund University is one of Europe’s leading universities and has a strong international orientation. For employees, this offers good opportunities for networking and skills development. However, global challenges and a changing world require new ways of working. Internationalisation at home is one such approach.

Lund University is one of Europe’s leading universities and has a strong international orientation. For employees, this offers good opportunities for networking and skills development. There are international opportunities - both at home and abroad.

Read more about international opportunities for employees

Model for the Recognition of Teaching Qualifications

At the HT Faculties it is possible for employees to apply to be appointed as qualified or excellent teacher practitioner.

Read more about the Model for the Recognition of Teaching Qualifications.

Contact information

Faculty secretary
Manuela Rossing

Model for the Recognition of Teaching Qualifications
Sofia Kvarnbo
Secretary of the Committee for Educational Development
046–222 72 21

International coordinator
Fanni Faegersten
+46 (0)46-222 8773

Page Manager: malin.sjobergkansliht.luse | 2024-07-03