In case of fire

Information | Fire safety rules | Evacuation

How you should act in case of fire depends on the situation. Information about the location of evacuation routes, fire extinguishers, fire alarms and assembly points can be found on the evacuation plans that are strategically placed in all buildings at Lund University. Study the evacuation plan in advance to be prepared if you need to evacuate the building.

If a fire breaks out


Save people who are in immediate danger – help each other!
Remember your own safety; do not expose yourself to unnecessary risks.


Alert those around you that a fire has started or that the fire alarm has gone off.
Remember that people with hearing impairment or people with headphones may not have heard the alarm.

The alarm in the buildings is ringing bells. In LUX there is also a spoken alarm in House C (the new building). In LUX the alarm will sound in the whole building. The alarm in SOL is sectioned. Each house is a section. Only when two fire detectors are triggered, the alarm will sound in the whole building.

If you hear the alarm, you must evacuate.

When the alarm goes off the inner doors will close. You can always use the evacuation routes. Use the emergency handles to evacuate when using the evacuation routes.

Raise the alarm

The alarm in the building goes automatically to the fire brigade.

If you call SOS Alarm:
The address of LUX is Helgonavägen 3.
The address of SOL is Helgonavägen 4.

If possible, also inform the University security control centre at +46 46-222 07 00. The security officer can help you in an evacuation and initiate Lund University’s crisis procedure when necessary.


Extinguish the fire if you think you can do so but remember your own safety – do not expose yourself to unnecessary risks!


Evacuate the building via the nearest smoke-free evacuation route and head for the assembly point.

The assembly point for LUX: Helgonavägen 2 (east of the SOL building, by Lingvisten).
The assembly point for SOL: the UB park.

Lifts must never be used for evacuation!

The doors to the corridors will be locked, use the evacuation routes. If needed use the emergency handles.

Does anyone need help evacuating?

The stairwells in both LUX and SOL constitute safe zones in case of fire. In such places, known as evacuation sites, people with impaired movement or orientation abilities can await help from the emergency services. You can find where the sites are on the evacuation plans. And there are signs with instructions on the sites. If you help someone to a safe zone or see someone in such zone, please inform someone in the evacuation organization (they are wearing yellow vests), the security officer or someone in the emergency services.

The fact that the evacuation alarm has stopped does not necessarily mean that the danger has passed. The emergency services may silence the alarm to facilitate their work.

Do not re-enter the building until you have been given the all-clear by the emergency services, university security, or building management.



Fire safety officer for common areas at LUX/SOL
Charlotte Tornbjer
046-222 64 74, 0706-814169

In the event of an emergency evacuation of the examination room

During a fire alarm, power outage, or other situations requiring the evacuation of the examination room, the following procedures apply:

The exam is immediately terminated, and no further exams may be submitted. Students and exam invigilators must promptly leave the room, and any materials related to the exam must be left on the desks. Once the all-clear signal has been given, everyone can return to the room. However, you are not allowed to make any additional notations on your exam. Exams that were submitted before the evacuation will be graded and assessed, while those not submitted will be considered invalid, and the exam will need to be retaken at a later date.

You have the option to have your exam graded and assessed even if not all questions were answered and it was not submitted before the evacuation. In such a case, you must inform the exam invigilator immediately and submit your exam without making any changes or additions to it.

Page Manager: malin.sjobergkansliht.luse | 2024-05-01