Preventive work
All universities and higher education institutions are obliged to work preventatively against all forms of discrimination including harassment, as well as working preventatively against victimisation.
Among other things, the work involves establishing procedures for how these matters are to be handled. For example, for directors this could entail annual investigations to assess the work environment and work climate.
Examples of measures:
The Division of Human Resources, the HR officer and the work environment coordinator at the faculties are happy to provide assistance.
Examples of measures:
- establish procedures, improve current procedures
- improve the interfaces within the departments
- investigate what the workload is like
- investigate the risks of discrimination, retaliation and other obstacles for equal rights and opportunities as well as adjusting procedures to reduce the risk of discrimination
- discuss the definition of victimisation
- carry out an independent review of the workplace climate and how members of staff relate to one another and how they would like it to be
The Division of Human Resources, the HR officer and the work environment coordinator at the faculties are happy to provide assistance.