
Anna Tornberg
Health, cattle and ploughs. Bioarchaeological consequences of the Secondary Products Revolution in southern Sweden, 2300-1100 BCE
Studies in Osteology & Acta Archaeologica Lundensia Series altera in 8° 71
2018 | 341 p. | English

ISSN: 1654-2363, 0065-0994
ISBN: 978-91-88473-85-1, 978-91-88473-86-8

Skeletons provide unsurpassed evidence of living, and sometimes dying, in past populations. In this thesis, skeletal responses to agro-pastoral intensification are explored and discussed. Increased access to nutrition, population increase and a more complex society, affect diet and health in both positive and negative ways. In this book, skeletal remains from southern Sweden, dating to the Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age, serve as the foundation for analysis. The study of skeletal remains provides a unique opportunity to shed light on individual and population health-consequences related to the formation of a Bronze Age society in southern Sweden.

Page Manager: louice.cardell_heppkansliht.luse | 2020-10-05