Research activities in LUCRIS and the Research Portal
By registering your research activities in LUCRIS, you can visualize research presented in other ways than by publishing. A research activity in LUCRIS can be related to other content such as publications and projects.
We will present some important aspects when registering activities and give a few examples. During this session, you can also get practical help in LUCRIS.
Read more about how to use the Activities module on the Staff pages
For information regarding registration requirements for researchers and doctoral students, please see: HT faculties minimum requirements for entry in LUCRIS
Tuesday 8 October, 10:00-11:00, SOL: B210
Available for employees at the HT faculties. Advance registration is not necessary. If you have questions, please contact: forskningsstod@htbibl.lu.se.
About the event:
Location: SOL: B210
Contact: forskningsstodhtbibl.luse