ISSN: 1103-4882
The making of the Mariam Mosque
Jesper Petersen | The making of the Mariam Mosque. Serendipities and structures in the production of female authority in Denmark | Lund Studies in History of Religions | 2020
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Muslimska kvinnors mobilitet
Nina Jakku | Muslimska kvinnors mobilitet. Möjligheter och hinder i de liberala idealens Sverige | Lund Studies in History of Religions 39 | 2019
Doktorsavhandlingen Muslimska kvinnors mobilitet undersöker muslimska kvinnors erfarenheter av bemötanden och representationer av dem i Sverige – i vardagslivet eller när de intar offentliga roller som aktiva medborgare – och hur dessa påverkar deras mobilitet. Studien lyfter fram ...
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Islamic Semiotic Resources in US Hip-Hop Culture
Anders Ackfeldt | Islamic Semiotic Resources in US Hip-Hop Culture | Lund Studies in History of Religions 38 | 2019
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Pragmatic Muslim Politics
Andreas Johansson | Pragmatic Muslim Politics. The case of Sri Lanka Muslim Congress | Lund Studies in History of Religions | 2016
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Universal Burdens
Anthony Fiscella | Universal Burdens. Stories of (Un)Freedom from the Unitarian Universalist Association, The MOVE Organization, and Taqwacore | Lund Studies in History of Religions 36 | 2015
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Gayted Communities
Erica Li Lundqvist | Gayted Communities. Marginalized Sexualities in Lebanon | Lund Studies in History of Religions 35 | 2013
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Rethinking the Jewish-Comics Connection
Martin Lund | Rethinking the Jewish-Comics Connection | Lund Studies in History of Religions 34 | 2013
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När islam blev svenskt
Johan Cato | När islam blev svenskt. Föreställningar om islam och muslimer i svensk offentlig politik 1975-2010 | Lund Studies in History of Religions 33 | 2012
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Teaching History, Learning Piety
Hege Markussen | Teaching History, Learning Piety. An Alevi Foundation in Contemporary Turkey | Lund Studies in History of Religions 32 | Sekel Bokförlag | 2012
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Negotiating Thainess
Marte Nilsen | Negotiating Thainess. Religious and National Identities in Thailand's Southern Conflict | Lund Studies in History of Religions 31 | 2012
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Muslimska kvinnor i Israel
Eli Göndör | Muslimska kvinnor i Israel. Religionens roll i vardagslivets förflyttningar | Lund Studies in History of Religions 30 | 2012
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Lovers of Muhammad
Simon Stjernholm | Lovers of Muhammad. A Study of Naqshbandi-Haqqani Sufis in the Twenty-First Century | Lund Studies in History of Religions 29 | 2011
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Cultivating the Sacred
Åsa Trulsson | Cultivating the Sacred. Ritual Creativity and Practice among Women in Contemporary Europe | Lund Studies in History of Religions 28 | 2010
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Melamisufism i Bosnien
Ask Gasi | Melamisufism i Bosnien. En dold gemenskap | Lund Studies in History of Religions 27 | 2010
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Rural Women in Bangladesh
Abdel Baten Miaji | Rural Women in Bangladesh. The Legal Status of Women and the Relationship between NGOs and Religious Groups | Lund Studies in History of Religions 26 | 2010
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Western esoterism
Lars Steen Larsen | Western esoterism. Ultimate Sacred Postulates and Ritual Fields | Lund Studies in History of Religions 25 | 2008
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"Who are you to tell us our history?"
Kristina Hellner Taylor | "Who are you to tell us our history?" Kultur och religion i hawaiianers möte med amerikansk mission | Lund Studies in History of Religions 23 | 2007
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Öppna universum!
Mats Bergenhorn | Öppna universum! Slutna traditioner i Salman Rushdies Satansverserna | Lund Studies in History of Religions 22 | Almqvist & Wiksell International | 2006
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Piety and Politics
Ann Kull | Piety and Politics. Nurcholish Madjid and His Interpretation of Islam in Modern Indonesia | Lund Studies in History of Religions 21 | Almqvist & Wiksell International | 2005
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Ramadan in Java
André Möller | Ramadan in Java. The Joy and Jihad of Ritual Fasting | Lund Studies in History of Religions 20 | Almqvist & Wiksell International | 2005
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Round Trips to Heaven
Leif Å Carlsson | Round Trips to Heaven. Otherworldly Travelers in Early Judaism and Christianity | Lund Studies in History of Religions 19 | 2005
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Your Cradle Is Green
Torsten Janson | Your Cradle Is Green. The Islamic Foundation and the Call to Islam in Children's Literature | Lund Studies in History of Religions 18 | Almqvist & Wiksell International | 2003
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Patterns of Destiny
Martin Gansten | Patterns of Destiny. Hindu Nāḍī Astrology | Lund Studies in History of Religions 17 | Almqvist & Wiksell International | 2003
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Der lange Weg des Zen-Buddhismus nach Deutschland
Jürgen Offermanns | Der lange Weg des Zen-Buddhismus nach Deutschland. Vom 16. Jahrhundert bis Rudolf Otto | Lund Studies in History of Religions 16 | Almqvist & Wiksell International | 2002
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Med kroppen som instrument
Lena Löwendahl | Med kroppen som instrument. En studie av new age med fokus på hälsa, kroppslighet och genus | Lund Studies in History of Religions 15 | Almqvist & Wiksell International | 2002
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A Landscape of Left-Overs
Anne-Christine Hornborg | A Landscape of Left-Overs. Changing Conceptions of Place and Environment among Mi'kmaq Indians of Eastern Canada | Lund Studies in History of Religions 14 | Almqvist & Wiksell International | 2001
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Islamisk predikan på ljudkassett
Philip Halldén | Islamisk predikan på ljudkassett. En studie i retorik och fonogramologi | Lund Studies in History of Religions 13 | 2001
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Women's Human Rights and Islam
Jonas Svensson | Women's Human Rights and Islam. A Study of Three Attempts at Accommodation | Lund Studies in History of Religions 12 | Almqvist & Wiksell International | 2000
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Islam på svenska
Jonas Otterbeck | Islam på svenska. Tidskriften Salaam och islams globalisering | Lund Studies in History of Religions 11 | Almqvist & Wiksell International | 2000
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The Legacy of the Jaguar Prophet
Bodil Liljefors Persson | The Legacy of the Jaguar Prophet. An Exploration of Yucatec Maya Religion and Historiography | Lund Studies in History of Religions 10 | Almqvist & Wiksell International | 2000
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Promise, protection and prosperity
Arne Wiig | Promise, protection and prosperity. Aspects of the "Shield" as a religious relational metaphor in an ancient Near Eastern perspective. An iconographical and textual analysis | Lund Studies in History of Religions 9 | 1999
American Medina
Garbi Schmidt | American Medina. A study of the Sunni Muslim immigrant communities in Chicago | Lund Studies in History of Religions 8 | 1998
The Alevi-Bektaşi legacy
İlhan Ataseven | The Alevi-Bektaşi legacy. Problems of acquisition and explanation | Lund Studies in History of Religions 7 | 1997
The Islamization of science
Leif Stenberg | The Islamization of science. Four Muslim positions developing an Islamic modernity | Lund Studies in History of Religions 6 | 1996
Freyja - the great goddess of the north
Britt-Mari Näsström | Freyja - the great goddess of the north | Lund Studies in History of Religions 5 | 1995
The great power of God in San Juan Valley
Jan Lundius | The great power of God in San Juan Valley. Syncretism and messianism in the Dominican Republic | Lund Studies in History of Religions 4 | 1995
Anne Sofie Roald | Tarbiya. Education and politics in Islamic movements in Jordan and Malaysia | Lund Studies in History of Religions 3 | 1994
Från Muḥammad till Muʻāwiya
Anders Åkesson | Från Muḥammad till Muʻāwiya. Utvecklingen av militär strategi och taktik i ett religionshistoriskt perspektiv | Lund Studies in History of Religions 2 | 1993
Föreställningar om maran i nordisk folktro
Catharina Raudvere | Föreställningar om maran i nordisk folktro | Lund Studies in History of Religions 1 | 1993