
Join our panel discussion – Modeling our future: A conversation on Climate Economics

10 april 2024 10:30 till 12:00 Föreläsning

The future demands bold solutions. Can climate economics guide us? And is the future we model the future we want? Join our panel discussion where we explore the role of economics and economic modelling in thinking about climate change. Hear experts with diverse backgrounds discuss the models’ effectiveness, limitations, and responsible use.

Have you ever wondered about the costs of climate change and how we can navigate its impact? Economic models play a vital role in shaping our responses to environmental challenges. In this session, we're bringing together experts from diverse backgrounds to unravel the complexities of climate economic models. We'll explore the models’ strengths and limitations and how they guide policymakers in addressing climate change. 

If you are curious about the economic side of climate discussions, and how we can reimagine the future, this panel discussion is for you. Join in to understand more of the possibilities, potential pitfalls, and ways we can make these models work more responsibly. 

The panel discussion will be in English and start at 10.30 with an introduction to the subject. Followed by opening remarks from each panel participant and discussion. The session ends with opening the conversation to the audience. There will be coffee and fruit served at the event. 

Register to the event

The event is open to all and aims towards a wide audience, both the public, professionals, and academics. Please fill in the pre-registration for coffee and fruit estimates: Link to pre-registration - forms.office.com 

Link to Facebook event will be available closer to the event.

Panel participants:  

Professor Lena Neij, the International Institute for Industrial Environmental Economics (IIIEE) at Lund University. 
Lena Neij's research focuses on the dynamics of energy systems and the analysis of governance and policies for sustainable development. The core issue has been development and assessment of methods for analyzing the dynamics of energy systems in view of technical change, and policy measures for effecting and accelerating technical change. For more information, see  Lena Neij's personal page - iiiee.lu.se/lena-neij

Assoc. Prof. Wim Carton, Sustainability researcher and Human geographer at LUCSUS, Lund University. 
Wim Carton is a sustainability researcher and human geographer with a background in development studies, international relations, and history. His research focuses on the politics and political ecology of climate change mitigation, with a specialization on carbon removal, negative emissions, and carbon offsetting. For more information, visit Wim Cartons personal page - lucsus.lu.se 

Ass. Prof. Dominic Lenzi, Philosopher at the University of Twente, Netherlands. 
Dominic Lenzi is a philosopher working on ethical and political issues raised by climate change and the preservation of the global commons. Dominic’s current research focuses upon topics relating to resource rights and global justice, and the ethics of negative emissions. For more information,visit Dominic Lenzi's personal page - people.utwente.nl 

Dr. Lisette van Beek, researcher at the Urban Futures Studio at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University, the Netherlands. 
Lisette van Beek research is broadly interested in understanding and reimagining science-policy-society interactions around climate change. In her transdisciplinary work, she particularly focuses on the politics of climate expertise, imaginaries of climate futures and citizen engagement practices. For more information, visit Lisette van Beeks personal page - uu.nl 

Panel moderator and presenter

Assoc. Prof. Henrik Thorén, Theoretical philosopher at the Dep. Of Philosophy, Lund University. 
Henrik Thorén’s primary research interests concern various theoretical and methodological issues in fields such as sustainability science, climate science, and the environmental sciences. Currently, he is leading a Formas funded project on risks and values in climate economic models, RIVET. For more information, visit Henrik Thoréns personal page - fil.lu.se

Organizer of the event: 

This event is organized by the research group the RIVET project. Link to the RIVET webpage - rivet-project.se 

Questions about the event? Please feel free to contact Sofia Henriks at: sofia.henriks@fil.lu.se 


This event is part of Sustainability Week 2024, an annual event organized in collaboration between Lund University and Lund Municipality. In this year's program April 8-13, you will find lectures, workshops, guided tours, exhibitions, and more.

See full program at hallbarhet.lu.se

Om händelsen:

10 april 2024 10:30 till 12:00

Amfi, Stadshallen, Stortorget 9, Lund

In English


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